A 200-kw rooftop solar plant commissioned on Electronics Niketan Building in New Delhi was recently inaugurated at the hands of Union Minister for Law & Justice and Electronics & IT, Ravi Shankar Prasad. Installed and commissioned by Jakson Group, this rooftop solar plant will help generate up to 3,00,000 kwh of electricity every year and reduce emissions by 216000 kilograms per year, a release from Jakson Group said.
Electronics Niketan Building houses the National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology, an autonomous scientific society under the administrative control of the Union ministry of electronics and information technology.
As part of the project, Jakson, installed 669 solar modules of 310 watt manufactured at its state-of-the-art solar module manufacturing plant in Greater Noida. In addition to turnkey engineering, procurement and construction services for the project. Jakson will also provide annual operations and maintenance service to the plant for 25 years, the release said.
The project was executed under Solar Energy Corporation of India’s RESCO scheme. Under the Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) model.
RESCO model
Under the RESCO (or OPEX) model, the consumer installs a solar power plant without any upfront investment. The RESCO makes the entire capital investment to install and commission the plant. The RESCO then sells electricity generated from the solar plant to the consumer, at mutually-negotiated rates and under a long-term power purchase agreement. The RESCO recovers its investment and makes profit from the electricity sold to the consumer. The consumer, in turn, profits from displacing at least some proportion of expensive grid power by cheaper solar power.