A TBCB-subsidiary of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL) has been granted transmission licence for an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme that will be implemented under the regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) modality.
In a very recent order, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has granted transmission licence to “Khavda IV A Power Transmission Ltd,” a TBCB-subsidiary of AESL to develop an RTM project referred to as “Augmentation of transformation capacity at KPS3 (GIS) substation under Khavda Phase-V Part B3.”
With an estimated outlay of Rs.252 crore, this project has a tentative implementation period of 24 months.
The project involves augmentation of transformation capacity at the upcoming KPS3 (Khavda Pooling Station-3) in Gujarat by putting up an interconnecting transformer (ICT) of 1500 MVA, 765/400kV on bus-section II of KPS3, making it the eight ICT at the substation. A 400kV line bay on the same bus section will also form part of the project. This RTM scheme seeks to meet growing connectivity applications at KPS3 (Bus section II).
Central Transmission Utility of India Ltd (CTUIL), in November 2024, assigned this project to Khavda IV A Power Transmission Ltd, as the latter is already involved in developing TBCB project to develop Bus section II of KPS3.
The build-up of KPS3
KPS3 (GIS) is envisaged to have total transformation capacity of 12,000 MVA – spread equally over two bus sections.
As can be seen in the table, Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) is developing 6,000 MVA of transformation capacity on Bus Section I. As part of this, 3×1500 MVA will come up through PGCIL’s TBCB subsidiary “Powergrid KPS3 Transmission Ltd” while 1×1500 MVA will be put by PGCIL on RTM basis.
Likewise, Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL) has been entrusted with 4×1500 MVA through its subsidiary Khavda IV A Power Transmission Ltd – 3×1500 MVA in TBCB mode and 1×1500 MVA under the RTM framework.
The KPS3 (GIS) substation, in conjunction with KPS1 and KPS2, is an integral interregional transmission asset aimed at evacuation from of RE power from the Khavda region Gujarat. Currently, transmission infrastructure for evacuating 30 GW from Khavda RE zones is under development through various ISTS schemes, through a mix of TBCB and RTM modalities.
Also read: Adani Energy Solutions to commission three transmission projects in Q4FY25
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