Participating state government power distribution utilities have achieved net savings of around Rs.15,000 crore till March 2017, following their enrolment in the UDAY scheme, a government release said. Further, in the participating states, Read more
Power transmission and distribution is an important business area for the multifaceted company Sterling and Wilson. In Read more
Energy Efficiency Services Ltd is a Central public sector unit promoted by five government entities. The role of EESL Read more
Our Control Panel & Switchgear Manufacturers’ Association (COSMA) regularly observes market scenarios and trends from the point of view of technologies, manufacturing processes and customer demands. Over the last three years we see a rapid change compliances expected by Read more
India’s power sector till end of 12th Five-year plan has been missing the target capacity addition by big margins. Then came the change and renewed thrust on “Power for All” that has become game changer, so to say. Read more
Since the past three-four years, the government has been laying special emphasis on renewable energy. The technology in the T&D segment has not changed much in recent years, apart from a couple of optimised designs introduced by manufacturers Read more
Smart grids have become pivotal in India for many government programmes and initiatives such as 100 Smart Cities, 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022, 40 per cent energy from non-fossil resources by 2030 and 6-7 million electric Read more
The advent of LED has changed the entire landscape of the industry for good, and today LED is the preferred choice of both commercial and residential customers. The customers are flummoxed by the many benefits in terms of Read more
The wire and cable industry over the past 3-4 years has undergone some drastic changes which alters the entire landscape of how industry used to function. The entire focus on development plank, improving infrastructure, modernisation of existing infrastructure, Read more
OMRON has been earnestly addressing the issue of power theft, which is one of most crucial concerns affecting the performance of not only the power utilities but also the overall demand and supply management of electricity in the Read more