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Capacity expansion at KPS3 (GIS) planned under RTM

Further transformation capacity augmentation at the upcoming Khavda Pooling Station-3 (KPS3) is being planned under a new interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme that will be awarded under the regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) modality.

The National Committee on Transmission (NCT) recently approved this ISTS scheme that will be termed as “Augmentation of transformation capacity at KPS3 (GIS) substation under Khavda Phase-V Part B3 scheme” and will be implemented by Khavda IV A Power Transmission Ltd, a TBCB-subsidiary of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd.

Located in Gujarat, this ISTS-RTM project is expected to cost Rs.252 crore and will have a gestation period of 24 months from the date of allocation. Broadly, the project involves commissioning of one 400kV line bay and one 765/400kV, 1×1500 MVA interconnecting transformer (ICT), at KPS3.



When conceived, KPS3 was envisaged to have 3×1500 MVA ICTs. This project is being implemented under the TBCB mode through Powergrid KPS3 Transmission Ltd, a subsidiary of PGCIL, and is expected to commission by February 2025.

Augmentation of KPS3 with 1×1500 ICT is also being undertaken by PGCIL, under the RTM route, under an ISTS scheme called Khavda Phase-IV Part E3.

These four ICTs, each of 765/400kV 1×1500 MVA, are coming on bus section-1 of KPS3.

Another 3×1500 MVA ICTs and three 400kV bays are coming on bus section-2 through an ISTS-TBCB scheme housed under Khavda IV A Power Transmission Ltd, a TBCB-subsidiary of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. This project is scheduled to commission in August 2026.

Now, in view of growing connectivity applications, one more 1,500 MVA ICT and one 400kV bay has been planned on bus section-2, which forms the project scope of the subject RTM scheme (Phase-V, Part B3). KPS3 will eventually have eight ICTs on two bus sections. (See table).

It is learnt that KPS3 has received connectivity applications that have exhausted the substation’s capacity, and the substation will now be closed for further applications.


RE evacuation from Khavda

The KPS3 (GIS) substation, in conjunction with KPS1 and KPS2, is an integral transmission asset aimed at power evacuation from the Khavda renewable energy zone in Gujarat. Currently, transmission infrastructure for evacuating 30 GW from Khavda RE zones is under development through various ISTS scheme, using a mix of TBCB and RTM modalities.


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