The future of India’s EHV cabling industry is bright, driven by rising electricity demands, the expansion of government-led infrastructure projects, and ambitious renewable energy targets, notes Pratham Karia.
Future-proofing infrastructure is not just a philosophical requirement, it is a pathway to sustainability. Today, even for investors, sustainability is a bigger priority over economic returns, notes Sharat Goyal.
India’s progress on the renewable energy front has been exemplary. However, the lack of large-scale domestic production for upstream photovoltaic value chain products leaves the country heavy reliant on solar imports, notes Prashant Mathur.
Given its vast population and abundant sunlight, India is exceptionally well-positioned to utilize rooftop solar as a key element of its renewable energy goal of 500 GW by 2030, notes Anurag Garg
Technological advancements in generators and electrolyzers can help in cost-effective production of clean hydrogen – a fuel that can potentially redefine our energy landscape, notes Sanjay Jadhav.
Given the dynamically changing technological environment, drones and data analytics have redefined many industries, including the power transmission and distribution sector, notes Kanav Kumar.
As the world transitions towards sustainable energy solutions, the implementation of smart grid technologies is paving the way for a more efficient, resilient and customer-centric energy sector, notes Sanjay Verma.
Carbon capture is an effective tool in mitigating the impact of climate change. Among the various carbon capture methods, rotating packed bed (RPB) technology is a disruptor in the CO2 capture space, thanks to its efficiency and versatility, notes Nitin Sarna.
This article is the third and concluding part of a three-part series of thought leadership on Energy Transition, authored by Anil Rawal. The Energy Transition series expounds on the role of six pillars on which global “Net Zero” ambitions would rest – Renewables, Battery Storage, Green Hydrogen, E-mobility, Distributed Energy Resources and Digitalization. In this composition, Anil Rawal shares insights on distributed energy resources (DERs) and digitalization.
Innovations in Sustainable Energy have presented the sector as an attractive alternative although the transition process is not without its fair share of challenges, observes Dr. Shantanu Trivedi