Tata Power, on March 3, 2019, crossed the 7-lakh consumer base mark in Mumbai. On this occasion, Tata Power invited Sumit Acharya – consumer number 7 lakh at a celebratory event held at its Dharavi Receiving Station where he planted a sapling to commemorate this achievement.
The acquisition of Rural Electrification Corporation (REC) by Power Finance Corporation (PFC) will boost the latter’s power T&D portfolio, according to Rajeev Sharma, CMD, Power Finance Corporation Ltd. Sharma was addressing a media conference in Mumbai on the company’s Q3FY19 results and the impact of the PFC-REC deal.
With the grand launch on February 4, 2019 in Mumbai, IEEMA kicked off its preparation for the upcoming 14th edition of ELECRAMA scheduled from January 18-22, 2020 at the India Expo Mart, Greater Noida.
To sensitize and propagate the message of safe electrical practices, Chief Electrical Inspectorate of Maharashtra in association with industry stakeholders including International Copper Association India (ICA India) kick-started the Electrical Safety Week in Maharashtra.