
Smart meters boost efficiency for Tata Power-DDL, consumers

During the COVID-19 lockdown months, smart meters boosted commercial efficiency of Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd, the utility said in a statement. These meters have also proved beneficial to consumers.

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PGCIL sees no material impact of COVID-19 in FY20


Being in the essential service of electricity, Power Grid Corporation of India did not see any impact of the COVID-19 lockdown in FY20. However, the impact assessment of COVID-19 is a continuing process given the uncertainties associated with its nature and duration, PGCIL said in a statement.

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Tata Power-DDL Successfully Meets Peak Power Demand

Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL) successfully met the peak power demand of 1713 mw — the highest for this season — touched on June 18, 2020, without any network constraint and power outage. Delhi as a whole also touched season’s high of 5925 mw amidst the ongoing heat wave, a statement by Tata Power DDL said.

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CTU operations of PGCIL to be hived off


In a very significant move, the Union ministry of power has directed Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) to hive off its operations as the “Central Transmission Utility” (CTU) into a separate entity.

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Tata Power DDL sees surge in online bill payments

Tata Power

During the lockdown, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd received more than 90 per cent of its bill payments from digital modes.

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RTM for power procurement would enable efficient price discovery: ICRA


The launch of real-time market (RTM) for power trading on June 1, 2020 is expected to lead to an efficient price discovery in the power trading market, feels rating agency ICRA Ltd.

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PGCIL fixes quantum of one-time rebate to discoms


Power Grid Corporation of India, in a communication to stock exchanges, has informed that it has fixed the quantum of the one-time rebate that it would be extending to discoms.

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Tata Power DDL promotes self-meter reading


Tata Power-DDL, supplying electricity to a population of 7 million in North Delhi, has introduced a smart feature of self-meter reading for its consumers during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Read more

IEX sees encouraging response to RTM on Day 1


Indian Energy Exchange received an overwhelming response from participants on the first trading day on its newly-launched Real Time Market (RTM).

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Tata Power takes over CESU management


Tata Power has taken over the management of CESU, after receiving the Letter of Intent (LOI) from the Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) for the distribution and retail supply of electricity in Odisha’s five circles.

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