ABB India witnessed new order inflow of Rs.2,474 crore during the second quarter (April to June) of 2018 that was 7.5 per cent higher than the comparable level of Rs.2,302 crore in the same period of 2017. By the same comparison, export orders grew 68 per cent.
The Tata Power Skill Development Institute (TPSDI), a fully-owned subsidiary of Tata Power, announced the successful completion of its first training workshop on ’Safety and Grounding/Earthing’ and Train-the-Trainer program for select employees of Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) from at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
GE Power’s Grid Solutions business has announced today the commissioning of the first leg of the mega grid-stabilization project by handing over what will be the world’s largest Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) solution to Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) for the Northern Grid (NR) in India.
Energy Efficiency Services Ltd has signed two MoUs with two Haryana discoms–UHBVN (Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam) and DHBVN (Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam)—to install 10 lakh smart meters in Haryana. The MoUs entail supply and installation of Smart Meters in Gurugram, Faridabad, Hisar, Karnal, Panipat and Panchkula within three years in a phased manner, a release from EESL said.
There is scope to enhance the magnitude of the “Medium Term PPA Scheme” recently announced by the Union power ministry, according to Rajeev Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, Power Finance Corporation Ltd. He was addressing the media at a recent press conference in Mumbai.