Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has granted licence to two regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) components of a major evacuation scheme related to renewable energy parks in Khavda, Gujarat.
Three bidders are in the fray for a major interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme in Rajasthan, under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) mechanism.
Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has granted licence to the Indian portion of an Indo-Nepal transmission line, owned by Butwal-Gorakhpur Cross Border Power Transmission Ltd (BGCPTL).
Techno Electric & Engineering Company Ltd (TEECL) has re-entered the power transmission development space by announcing the winning of an ISTS-TBCB scheme.
India, over the years, has become a bigger net exporter of electricity with respect to its neighbour trade partners –Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Godrej Electricals & Electronics, a business unit of Godrej & Boyce, has announced the acquisition of orders worth over Rs.1,000 crore in FY24 for its Power Infrastructure & Renewable Energy (PIRE) business.
Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL) is in the process of securing transmission licence for an ISTS-TBCB project that it is implementing through its wholly-owned subsidiary “Halvad Transmission Ltd.”