All eyes are on India. All roads lead to Rome India! The big question – are we ready?
We have a fairly stable Government, mostly efficient people at the helm, but do we have the will to win, the priority for progress and the ambition to be the best?
If Singapore could do it, Delhi Metro could do it, why not India as a whole? If I were in charge, what would I do? A 5S model emerged in my mind, true to being a cleaning up act indeed!
1) Swaach Industrial Infrastructure: To start any initiative, we need the basic essentials in place of electricity, water, roads, transportation and so on. Peenya in Bangalore has the dubious distinction of being Asia’s largest industrial area. But contrast the amenities here to that in Singapore, and the difference in Government intent shows so starkly and we need to do something about this…quickly, swiftly and efficiently!
2) SMART Government Goals: Doable when able is the highlight of the India Diaspora that sinks into the culture of “ChaltaHai”. To wake up the masses, motivate them and encourage entrepreneurship, we need a good leadership team with right vision. The roll out of the plan & strategy should be in Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Realistic and Time Bound (SMART).
3) Skill development of work force: While working from the top is critical, honing skill sets at the bottom is equally essential. This has to be a consistent area of governmental investment, initiative and involvement. We need this practical aspect of education to be given a lot more allocation in the education curriculum with organized teaching tools, missionary coaches and facilities to support.
4) Smarter thinking amongst entrepreneurs: The “Can Do” in Indians, who have historically been subordinated to the onslaught of Mughals, the British and then our own misguided politicians, has finally arrived at a point of inflexion. More and more of our younger generation is venturing into entrepreneurship and this has to be greatly encouraged. government and private investors to grow the present initiatives here in geometric proportions!
5) Show case our “Produce” to the world:Glad that alibaba.com has arrived in India and so has Amazon and the likes. E-commerce has still to go miles in the Indian mindset when I see some of the unconventional businesses from abroad doing amazingly well online. Even telephonic selling whether B2C or B2B needs much higher levels of focus and mastery in India, I feel. The scale in which industrial exhibitions are held in India has to expand multiple times on the lines of the Hannover Messe of Germany. Indian companies participating in exhibitions and seminars abroad should receive enhanced governmental incentives, support and encouragement.
There is nothing very original about these thoughts strung together. I believe, the source is from a collective consciousness that has already permeated every thinking mind that it is time India arrived! A nation known for its spirituality has to also get recognition for its creativity, originality and inventiveness! I reckon we are in wondrous times and may the magic begin!
[About the author: M. Ramani is Managing Director of Bengaluru-based Load Controls India Pvt Ltd. He may be reached on ramani@loadcontrols.net ]