Electric Lamp and Components Manufacturers Association of India, popularly known as ELCOMA, has been representing the Indian lighting industry for nearly five decades. ELCOMA has gained prominence in the wake of a regime shift in the lighting industry, thanks to the advent of LED-based solutions. We have Rakesh Zutshi giving us insights on the LED-based lighting industry. Zutshi also shares his aspiration of seeing India emerge as a global hub for cost-effective and energy-efficient LED lighting products.
We understand, ELCOMA has an existence of nearly 50 years. Tell us how the membership of ELCOMA has grown in recent years?
The membership of ELCOMA, the apex body of lighting manufacturers in India has grown by leaps and bounds over the years. Today, it has over 62 leading lighting companies as its members from across the country.
We are sure that with the advent of LED lighting, the complexion of ELCOMA would have changed significantly. Tell us about the membership of ELCOMA coming from LED manufacturers.
Surely, the advent of LED lighting has transformed the overall lighting manufacturing scenario in the country and the same is true with the complexion of ELCOMA as well. I must mention here that most of the leading players in lighting industry have already modernized their manufacturing facilities to produce LED products.
It is due to reliability and guaranteed quality of Indian products and most importantly the facility of after sales service connected with them, the import dependence of LED drivers has become negligible in the last few years. Another reason why the import of LED drivers has reduced is that imported LED drivers do not withstand the Indian power conditions and so they are not at all in demand in the organized sector.
LED prices have fallen drastically in recent years. What has been the role of government initiatives like DELP in this phenomenon?
The government’s initiative like Domestic Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP) has been instrumental in bringing down the procurement price of LED bulbs which has resulted into the reduction in their final price for the masses. However, it has been made possible by the government only through bulk purchases after competitive bidding of the manufacturers. Through this initiative the government has targeted both energy saving and significant reduction in green house emissions which is absolutely commendable.
The government’s street lighting national programme (SLNP) has boosted the demand for LED-based street lighting. What is your view?
It is true that SLNP has boosted the demand of LED-based street lighting. However, another important reason for a spike in their demand is that LED streetlights come with 2-3 years warranty and moreover, they are environment-friendly.