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Jyoti Structures announces completion of 765kV Khavda-Bhuj line



Jyoti Structures has announced the completion of the 765kV Khavda-Bhuj line in Gujarat.

In a very recent stock exchange communication, Jyoti Structures announced the successful commissioning of the 765kV double-circuit hexa-bundle conductor transmission line from Khavda to Bhuj, with a contract value of Rs.382.14 crore (inclusive of GST).


The line was test-charged on December 19, 2023 and is now in operation, the filing said.


Scope of work

As contractor for the transmission line, Jyoti Structures’ scope of work covered route optimization, design and engineering of five different types of towers in very high wind zone area, location specific designs of open cast and pile foundations, soil strengthening, testing of prototype towers, manufacture and supply of about 17,000 tonnes of towers, supply of insulators and line materials, and complete construction of the line including, foundations, tower erection, hoisting of insulators and stringing of conductors.


In-house competency

All the complex and critical engineering design work was carried out in-house. The company’s manufacturing unit at Nasik and the tower testing facility at Ghoti, both located in Maharashtra, are operational and were used in execution of this prestigious project, the communication added.


Order placed in March 2022

Jyoti Structures Ltd, in March 2022, had announced the winning of the mandate for building the 765kV Khavda-Bhuj line. The line was then scheduled to commission by August 2023 but faced time overruns.



According to information available with T&D India but not revealed in the communication by Jyoti Structures, the Khavda-Bhuj line mandate was placed by Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL, then known as Adani Transmission Ltd).

This line is part of a newly-commissioned ISTS project that AESL developed through its subsidiary Khavda Bhuj Transmission Ltd (KBTL), under the tariff-based competitive bidding route. AESL announced the full commissioning of its KBTL project in the last quarter of FY24.

The 765kV Khavda-Bhuj line runs around 218 ckm from the Khavda Pooling Station (GIS) to the Bhuj Pooling Station, with 275 tower locations. Incidentally, the 3×1500 MVA, 765/400kV Khavda PS (GIS) was a new installation envisaged as part of the ISTS project of KBTL.  The overall project, estimated to have cost around Rs.1,200 crore, also entailed the construction of two line bays each at Bhuj PS for termination of the Khavda-Bhuj double-circuit line.


Track record

The filing by Jyoti Structures said that the company has a track record of having manufactured more than 15,00,000 tonnes of towers, constructed and commissioned over 31,000 ckm of transmission lines, and 1,800 bays of substations up to 765kV. The company has also electrified over 37,000 villages in India, the filing added.

Also read: Jyoti Structures To Build 765kV Line For Adani Transmission

Featured photograph (source: Jyoti Structures Ltd) shows a part of the Khavda-Bhuj line in Gujarat.

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