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Khavda HVDC project: PGCIL begins award of packages

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) has begun award of packages for the mega Khavda V-A HVDC project that is being implemented by PGCIL’s TBCB subsidiary Khavda V-A Power Transmission Ltd.

At least two packages relating to HVDC transmission lines associated with this project have been awarded in recent times.

Jyoti Structures Ltd recently reported the winning of a package valued at Rs.741.28 crore that is to be implemented in a period of 42 months. Understood to be the highest-value EPC contract for Jyoti Structures Ltd in recent years, the contract representing “Package 01” of the ±800kV HVDC bipole line (Hexa Lapwing) with dedicated metallic return, between the Khavda Pooling Station-2 (KPS) and Nagpur HVDC terminals.

The contract entails design, detailing, testing, supply of towers and all line materials (including conductors), survey, soil investigation, foundations, erection, stringing, testing and commissioning of the said HVDC line.

In an independent development KEC International Ltd also reported the winning of a ±800kV HVDC line contract from PGCIL, which is part of the Khavda V-A HVDC project. Responding to a T&D India query, KEC International said that the length of the HVDC line placed on KEC is around 140 km.

The entire line between KPS2 and Nagpur HVDC terminal stations is estimated to be around 1,200 km and PGCIL would be awarding contracts distributed over multiple packages. The two HVDC terminals – KPS2 (Gujarat) and Nagpur (Maharashtra) – will of course be the most important constituents of the overall project.

It may be mentioned that KEC International is also associated with Adani Energy Solutions Ltd (AESL) with respect to the upcoming HVDC project in Maharashtra entailing 80 km of HVDC line and 1,000 MW of transfer capacity. This is part of an intrastate transmission system (InSTS) project that AESL has won under the regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) route, and which is being implemented by AESL’s wholly-owned subsidiary Adani Electricity Mumbai Infra Ltd.

PGCIL, in November 2024, formally acquired the Khavda V-A HVDC project under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) route. This is the first HVDC project ever awarded under the TBCB philosophy. It is also the biggest TBCB project in terms of capital outlay and annual tariff (around Rs.4,083 crore).


HVDC projects under TBCB

So far, two HVDC projects have been awarded under the TBCB route. While Khavda V-A was clinched by PGCIL, Adani Energy Solutions Ltd recently acquired “Rajasthan Part I Power Transmission Ltd” making it only the second HVD project under TBCB, and the first such awarded to the private sector.

It is likely that one more HVDC-TBCB project, housed under “KPS III HVDC Transmission Ltd” will be awarded during the remaining part of ongoing fiscal year, FY25.  Bid process coordinator PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) is currently in the midst of the bidder selection process. The last date for submission of technical and financial bids, after multiple extensions, currently stands at January 31, 2025.


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