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NCT recommends four ISTS schemes worth over Rs.10,000 crore under TBCB mode

The National Committee on Transmission (NCT), in its latest (22nd) meeting held on August 23, 2024, has recommended the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) route for four interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes with an aggregate estimated project outlay of over Rs.10,000 crore.


Here are broad details of the four cases:

Scheme #1: Augmentation of transformation capacity by 3×500 MVA, 400/220kV ICTs (6th and 8th) and 1×1500 MVA, 765/400kV ICT (4th) at Bidar PS
Cost: Rs.288 crore
Gestation period: 24 months
Location: Karnataka


Scheme #2: Transmission system for supply of power to green hydrogen/ammonia manufacturing potential in Mundra area of Gujarat under Phase-I: Part B1 scheme (3 GW at Navinal substation)
Cost: Rs.2,817 crore
Gestation period: 36 months
Location: Gujarat


Scheme #3: Transmission system for integration of Anantapur-II REZ – Phase-I (for 4.5 GW)
Cost: Rs.4,679 crore
Gestation period: 24 months
Location: Andhra Pradesh


Scheme #4: Transmission system for proposed green hydrogen/green ammonia projects in Tuticorin area
Cost: Rs.2,617 crore
Gestation period: 30 months
Location: Tamil Nadu


As can be seen, schemes #2, #3 and #4 have project outlay of over Rs.500 crore, which is why they will need final clearance from the Union power ministry. As far as scheme #1 is concerned, the NCT clearance is treated as final.

In its recent stories, T&D India has discussed the Anantapur REZ scheme and the Tuticorin green hydrogen scheme in detail.


Bidding status of ISTS-TBCB projects

As of the date of the NCT meeting, August 23, 2024, it was informed that there were 44 ISTS-TBCB schemes under various stages of bidding. While PFCCL was managing 27, there were 17 in RECPDCL’s ambit. Of these 44 schemes, bid evaluation was underway in the case of 13 schemes, it was informed.

According to information available with T&D India, there were three ISTS-TBCB schemes, as of September 6, 2024, where a bidder has emerged L1 or was issued the letter of intent but the formal SPV transfer was pending. Of these three schemes – all managed by PFCCL –Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) was associated with two while one had Tata Power has the incumbent developer.

Also read: NCT approves ISTS-TBCB schemes worth nearly Rs.10,000 crore

Note: BPC = Bid process coordinator; RECPDCL = REC Power Development & Consultancy Ltd; PFCCL = PFC Consulting Ltd


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