A government release, in a year-end review of the Union power ministry, observed that over 10,000 ckm of new transmission lines (of 220kV or above) were commissioned in calendar year 2024 (January to December).
Here are highlights of the power T&D sector in 2024:
- The National Electricity Plan (NEP) was finalized with a total outlay of Rs.9.15 trillion (lakh crore), aimed at creating an interstate and intrastate grid to facilitate evacuation of 458 GW by 2032.
- Under NEP, the transmission network will be expanded from 4.91 lakh ckm to 6.48 lakh ckm by 2032, and transformation capacity from 1,290 GVA to 2,342 GVA. Interregional transfer capacity will increase from 119 GW to 168 GW, by 2032.
- Around 50.9 GW of interstate transmission system (ISTS) capacity was approved with an outlay of Rs.60,676 crore.
- About 280 GW of renewable energy capacity will be connected to the ISTS network, taking the total to 335 GW by 2032. Of the 280 GW, around 42 GW has been completed, 85 GW is under construction and 75 GW is under bidding. The balance will be approved in due course.
- During 2024, addition of transmission lines of 220kV or above stood at 10,273 ckm while 71,197 MVA of transformation capacity (of 220kV or above) was added. Likewise, interregional transfer capacity stood enhanced by 2200 MW in 2024.
- In June 2024, the Union power ministry revised the Right of Way (RoW) guidelines, linking compensation to the market value of land. For tower base area, the compensation has been increased from 85 per cent to 200 per cent of the land value. For the RoW corridor, compensation was raised from 15 per cent to 30 per cent of the land value.
- Under RDSS which aimed at improving operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of discoms, 1979.24 lakh (around 20 crore) prepaid smart consumer meters, 52.53 lakh DT (distribution transformer) meters and 2.11 lakh feeder meters have been sanctioned at a cost of Rs.1.31 lakh crore. Loss-reduction works of around Rs.1.46 lakh crore have been sanctioned. So far, Rs.18,379 crore has been released towards loss-reduction works under RDSS.
Source: Press Information Bureau (PIB)