Over Rs.75,000 crore disbursed to discoms under PFC/REC scheme
The total disbursal made to discoms under the PFC/REC Aatmanirbhar Scheme crossed Rs.75,000 crore during FY21.
According to reliable reports, the total disbursals made by PFC and REC under the said scheme touched Rs.75,554 crore in FY21. The total sanctions under the scheme reached Rs.135,496 crore in FY21. (See table).
Here are some highlights:
Around 52 per cent of the total disbursals came from PFC while REC accounted for some 48 per cent.
- Major beneficiaries in terms of disbursals included discoms from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar.
- There has been a reduction in dues to be cleared by discoms to Central PSU generators, transmission companies and Coal India Ltd.
- The total amount of loans sanctioned under the scheme stood at Rs.1,35,496 crore. PFC and REC had a share of roughly 50 per cent each.
- According to an ICICI Securities report, given that many discoms are comfortable with the conditions laid out for availing Tranche-II loans, disbursals are expected to pick up from Q1 of FY22 onwards.
- Tamil Nadu is expected to avail a large chunk of disbursals of Tranche-II loans in Q1 of FY22, itself.