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PFCCL incorporates SPV for green hydrogen ISTS scheme in Gujarat

Bid process coordinator PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has newly incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary that will act as a special purpose vehicle for development of an ISTS-TBCB scheme relating to green hydrogen plants in Gujarat.

In a stock exchange communication, Power Finance Corporation Ltd (PFC), the holding company of PFCCL, said that PFCCL has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary “Mundra I Transmission Ltd” to act as the project SPV for an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme termed as “Transmission system for supply of power to Green hydrogen/ammonia manufacturing potential in Mundra area of Gujarat under Phase-I: Part B1 scheme (3 GW at Navinal substation).”

With an estimated project outlay of Rs.2,817 crore and gestation period of 36 months, this ISTS-TBCB scheme aims to transmit renewable energy to upcoming green hydrogen/ammonia plants in the Mundra region of Gujarat.


Current status

This ISTS scheme is currently under bidding with the last date of submission of technical and price bids standing at January 8, 2025. Technical bids will be opened on the same date. The bid submission date has been extended at least twice from its original date of December 18, 2024. The project SPV will be eventually transferred to the successful developer.


Project elements

The main project elements include augmentation of the Navinal (Mundra) GIS substation by addition of 765/400kV, 2×1500 MVA interconnecting transformers, and putting up a 765kV double-circuit line, running 70 km, connecting the above-mentioned substation to the Bhuj substation. Suitable line bays at the two substations, along with STATCOMs, will also form part of the project.


Project rationale

The Navinal (Mundra) GIS substation is currently under development through a separate ISTS-TBCB scheme housed under “Navinal Transmission Ltd,” a TBCB subsidiary of Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. This 765/400kV, 4×1500 MVA GIS substation will supply 3,000 MW to bulk consumers and 1,500 MW to upcoming green hydrogen/ammonia plants in Mundra area.

The scheme under discussion — Mundra I Transmission Ltd — will supply an additional 1,500 MW, making a total of 4,500 MW available for green hydrogen/ammonia units in Mundra area, from the Navinal GIS substation.

Also read: PFCCL initiates empanelment of AMISPs under RDSS

Featured photograph (source: Hitachi Energy India) is for representation only.

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