Linxon PGCIL Saharsa SS LR | T&D India

Lack of response to ISTS-TBCB scheme in Rajasthan leads to RTM route

An ISTS scheme in Rajasthan, originally to be developed under the TBCB route, will now see adoption of the RTM modality, thanks to lack of bidder response despite multiple extensions in bid submission date. In its Read more

PGCIL named successful bidder for two ISTS-TBCB schemes – Bikaner A, Bikaner B

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) has been issued the letters of intent for development of two interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes associated with renewable energy evacuation from Rajasthan, under the tariff-based competitive bidding Read more

Azure Power Rajasthan | T&D India

SPV incorporated for Bhadla-Bikaner complex ISTS scheme

Bid process coordinator PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary that will act as the project special purpose vehicle (SPV) for an ISTS scheme seeking to facilitate evacuation of RE power from Rajasthan, Read more

Four qualify for twin Bikaner ISTS-TBCB schemes in Rajasthan

Four bidders have qualified for opening of initial price bids for two independent schemes related to evacuation of RE power from the Bikaner Complex in Rajasthan. It is reliably learnt that bid process coordinator REC Power Development & Consultancy Read more

ISTS schemes worth over Rs.13,000 crore recommended for clearance

The National Committee on Transmission (NCT), in its latest meeting, approved four interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes, with an aggregate outlay of over Rs.13,000 crore, for implementation under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) route. The broad Read more

Project SPVs incorporated for Bikaner RE evacuation schemes

    REC Power Development & Consultancy Ltd (RECPDCL) has recently incorporated two project special purpose vehicles (SPV) for the development of as many interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes for renewable energy evacuation from Read more

PFCCL incorporates SPVs for two ISTS schemes

    PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has recently incorporated two special purpose vehicles for the development of as many interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes, the developers for which will be selected under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) Read more

PGCIL commissions Bikaner ISTS project in Rajasthan

  Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), through its wholly-owned subsidiary Powergrid Bikaner Transmission System Ltd, has commissioned an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme in Rajasthan. In a brief stock exchange filing, PGCIL said that Powergrid Bikaner Transmission System Read more

SJVN Gujarat Solar | T&D India

SJVN signs PUA for Bikaner solar power project

  SJVN Ltd has signed a power usage agreement (PUA) with respect to its upcoming 1,000-mw Bikaner solar power project in Rajasthan. In a release, SJVN said that the PUA for 500 mw of solar power was signed with Punjab Read more

Bid submission date extended for Rajasthan TBCB projects

  PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has extended the timeline for submission of RfP (technical and financial) for four ISTS schemes being developed under the TBCB mode, all related to evacuation of renewable energy from Rajasthan. The four interstate schemes are Read more