Capacity expansion at KPS3 (GIS) planned under RTM

Further transformation capacity augmentation at the upcoming Khavda Pooling Station-3 (KPS3) is being planned under a new interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme that will be awarded under the regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) modality. The National Committee Read more

KPI Green Energy secures its largest-ever order

KPI Green Energy Ltd, part of the Gujarat-based KP Group, has secured its largest-ever order, valued at over Rs.1,300 crore. In a release, KPI Green Energy Ltd said that it has won an EPC order worth Rs.1,311 crore from Read more

More success for PGCIL, receives LoI for ISTS-TBCB scheme in Gujarat

Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) continued its winning spree in the ISTS-TBCB space, this time receiving the letter of intent for a scheme in the Khavda area in Gujarat. In a brief stock exchange Read more

Adani Power Maharashtra - LR | T&D India

Adani Group to supply 6,600 MW hybrid power to MSEDCL

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL) has issued a letter of intent to Adani Group for long-term supply of thermal and green energy, aggregating 6,600 MW. In a release, Adani Power said that while 5,000 Read more

Sterlite Power wins its second green energy evacuation scheme in Gujarat

Sterlite Power has secured Khavda Phase-IV (7GW): Part C project to develop the transmission system for evacuating power from the potential renewable energy zone in the Khavda region of Gujarat. This order win marks Sterlite Power’s second venture into Read more

Jyoti Structures wins 765kV transmission line order from Adani Group

Jyoti Structures has won a contract to build a transmission line for Adani Energy Solutions Ltd. In a stock exchange communication, Jyoti Structures said that it has won an order for construction and part supply of a 765kV double-circuit Read more

Hitachi ABB HVDC | T&D India

Bid opening date for Khavda ISTS scheme extended yet again

The date for opening of technical bids for the mega Khavda (Phase V, Part A) ISTS scheme has been extended once again, and is now scheduled for July 12, 2024. Bid process coordinator REC Power Development & Consultancy Ltd Read more

KPS1 Transmission seeks licence for RTM component

KPS1 Transmission Ltd is seeking separate transmission licence for an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme that it will be implementing under the RTM route. In a recent order, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) Read more

Rajasthan Power Transmission | T&D India

Licence granted to RTM components of Khavda RE evacuation scheme

    Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has granted licence to two regulated tariff mechanism (RTM) components of a major evacuation scheme related to renewable energy parks in Khavda, Gujarat. The two RTM components, denoted as “Part E1” Read more


Project SPV formed for HVDC-based ISTS scheme in Gujarat

    PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary for the development of an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme in Gujarat that would see extensive deployment of HVDC technology. In a stock exchange notification, Power Finance Read more