Sterlite NE TBCB | T&D India

PFCCL incorporates two SPVs for interstate transmission schemes

  PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has incorporated special purpose vehicles (SPVs) for the development of two interstate transmission schemes that will be developed under the TBCB mode. In a recent stock exchange filing, Power Finance Corporation Ltd, of which PFCCL Read more

NCT approves ISTS scheme for RE evacuation in Solapur

  The National Committee on Transmission (NCT), in its recent meeting, approved an interstate transmission system (ISTS) scheme for the evacuation of 1,500 MW worth of upcoming renewable energy projects at Solapur in Maharashtra. The scheme, estimated Read more

Record year for Power Grid Corporation of India

PGCIL completes acquisition of three project SPVs for ISTS schemes

  Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) announced that it has completed the acquisition of three project special purpose vehicles, incorporated for the development of interstate transmission system (ISTS) schemes. In independent stock exchange filings, PGCIL announced that it Read more

Sterlite Power wins major transmission project in Rajasthan, in TBCB mode

  Sterlite Power has announced the winning of a major transmission scheme in Rajasthan, aimed at renewable energy evacuation, under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) route. In a release, Sterlite Power said that it has been awarded the transmission project Read more

NTPC Switchyard UP Solar Vikram | T&D India

PGCIL committee approves investment in RTM project

  Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL) has accorded investment proposal for a transmission scheme in Rajasthan. In a brief stock exchange filing, PGCIL said that its Committee of Directors on Investment on Projects, in its meeting held on Read more

Adani Trans 03 | T&D India

PFCCL transfers two project SPVs to Adani Transmission

  Bid process coordinator PFC Consulting Ltd (PFCCL) has transferred two project special purpose vehicles, related to TBCB-based power transmission schemes, to the winning developer Adani Transmission Ltd. In a stock exchange filing, PFCCL said that the following two project Read more

PGCIL North-West Interconnector | T&D India

PFC incorporates new subsidiary for power transmission project

Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has incorporated a new step-down subsidiary that will act as a special purpose vehicle for a power transmission scheme to be developed under the TBCB regime. In a stock exchange communication, PFC said that its Read more