India’s total installed capacity of power generation plants based on renewable energy crossed the 100-GW milestone on August 12, 2021. The renewable energy capacity entailed in this 100 GW excludes large hydropower (see note ahead). The total installed capacity Read more
Regulatory headwinds in the open access (OA) segment notwithstanding, the outlook on the renewable energy sector remains stable, notes a release from credit rating agency ICRA. Independent Power Producers (IPPs) in the renewable power sector selling power in the Read more
Today’s electrical grid is getting complex, not merely because of the quantum of electricity transmitted but due to other factors like increasing injection of renewable-based energy. The concept of grid stability Read more
With its new Unified Power Flow Controller, called UPFC PLUS, Siemens Energy is expanding the options for grid stabilization. The UPFC PLUS will help system operators stabilize the grid by dynamically controlling the load flow in alternating-current grids. Easy Read more
India’s renewable energy target increased to 227 GW from 175 GW by 2022, echoes the government’s commitment to increase the share of renewables in India’s energy architecture and enable the transition to a low carbon economy. The additional Read more
After completing a successful decade of existence, the Renewable Energy India 2017 Expo Read more
Gamesa India has announced that it has commissioned 2,050 mw of wind power during FY17 (April 2016 to March 2017), becoming the first ever wind company in India to have achieved this number in one year. The new Read more