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TERI and POSOCO sign MoU for power sector research



The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI) and the Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO) Ltd have signed an MoU envisaging cooperation between the two entities.

With this MoU, the two organisations have agreed to work together to strengthen research-industry interaction for knowledge sharing and capacity building through collaboration, and to encourage research on issues related to the Indian power sector.

Joint endeavours under the MoU pertain to further developing power system simulation models; integrated resource planning, including demand and supply, on a short-term, medium-term and long-term perspective; preparation of joint reports and capacity building of state utilities.

On the occasion, K.V.S. Baba, Chairman & Managing Director, POSOCO Ltd, reiterated existing collaborations with TERI in leading India’s energy transitions. “With its rich experience in the power sector, TERI, together with POSOCO, can produce extensive research reports backed with evidence to gain confidence in robust power systems operation.”

Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI, added, “An increasing amount of renewable energy penetration is causing system instability and we need to look at interventions with the dynamic nature of load. TERI, together with POSOCO, will further enhance the modeling capability backed with rich data-sets which can address the challenges of Indian power sector.”


Also read: Power Sector Gets First Centre Of Excellence For Skill Development


Dr. Mathur elected as DG, ISA
Dr Ajay Mathur

Dr. Ajay Mathur was recently elected as Director General, International Solar Alliance. On his appointment, TERI issued the following statement:

“We are delighted to announce that Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI, has been elected as the Director General of the International Solar Alliance (ISA). Dr. Mathur’s name was approved and announced today at a special virtual assembly of the ISA. As Government of India’s nominee for the position, Dr. Mathur was elected unopposed by the 89-country assembly of the ISA.”

“The Governing Council of TERI has put a transition plan into place, which includes initiating a search process to identify a new Director General to lead TERI. Also, in order to ensure a seamless transition, Dr. Vibha Dhawan, the senior-most Programme Director in TERI has been identified to take on the responsibility of TERI’s leadership as the Interim Director General.

‘’Dr. Mathur’s election as Director General, ISA, is a matter of great pride for TERI. We congratulate Dr. Mathur for this recognition and wish him tremendous success in his new role”, said Nitin Desai, Chairman, TERI.

TERI shall miss the leadership and guidance of Dr. Mathur and strive to carry forward the energy and climate agenda that he steered to a new level of ambition, both for the institute and the country.”

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