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Transmission line addition only 53 per cent of target

Sterlite Gujarat FIO | T&D India


In the first five months (April to August) of ongoing fiscal year FY23, India could achieve only 53 per cent of the targeted transmission line addition.

According to the latest performance report issued by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), India added 5,769 ckm of transmission lines, across all voltages above and including 220kV. This was just 53.1 per cent of the 10,859 ckm of lines planned for addition.

Across all ownership groups, Central government entities (largely accounted for by Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd) had the highest target achievement of 62.3 per cent. State government entities achieved 51 per cent of their planned addition, following by private entities with an achievement ratio of 50.1 per cent.

When seen across voltage types, the highest achievement – of 59.1 per cent – was seen in the case of 400kV lines. In terms of 220kV lines, the country could add 53 per cent of the planned target. The lowest achievement was in the case of 765kV lines – measured at 42.6 per cent.

It may be mentioned that no HVDC lines were envisaged for addition in the April-August period of FY23. In fact, no such lines are planned for the entire FY23. Currently, HVDC lines in India exist across three voltage groups—namely ±320kV, ±500kV and ±800kV.


765kV performance

Speaking of 765kV lines, the April-August period of FY23 saw the addition of 700 ckm of lines as against the target of 1,645 ckm. While PGCIL built 212 ckm of such lines, the private sector had a much higher contribution of 488 ckm. The contribution of PGCIL came through transmission elements associated with the ISTS project housed under “Powergrid Bhuj Transmission Ltd.” Two transmission elements of 106 ckm each were commissioned.

In the private sector, while Sterlite Power commissioned 137 ckm, Adani Transmission had a higher commissioning of 351 ckm. Sterlite Power’s achievement was from the TBCB project being implemented by Goa-Tanmar Transmission Project Ltd while Adani Transmission made its contribution through the project SPV Lakadia Banaskantha Transco Ltd. Interestingly, most of the 765kV line addition in the April-August period of FY23 took place in Gujarat.

Also read: Adani Transmission Incorporates New Step-Down Subsidiary

It may be noted that there was no fresh addition of 765kV lines in August 2022 – the latest month under observation. The cumulative achievement up to August 2022 was the same as that up to July 2022.


Featured photograph (source: Sterlite Power) is for representation only

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