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Transmission line addition up marginally in Apr-Feb FY22

IndiGrid New | T&D India


Overall addition of transmission lines was 2.8 per cent higher year-on-year in the first eleven months (April to February) of FY22, according to latest CEA statistics.

In the April-February period of FY22, a total of 12,719 ckm was added, as against 12,369 ckm in the same period of FY21.

Though the addition was higher year-on-year, it fell significantly short of the target set. The actual addition in FY22 (April-February) was only 70 per cent of the planned addition of 18,219 ckm. In the same period of FY21, the target achievement was relatively higher at around 82 per cent.

The overall shortfall in target was largely the result of under-performance by state government utilities. This ownership group could add only 6,963 ckm of transmission lines (mainly of the 220kV type) as against the planned 11,445 ckm. This implied a target achievement of just about 60 per cent.

Central government agencies, mainly Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), added 4,476 ckm of transmission lines (mainly of 400kV and 765kV), which was in fact higher than the planned 3,471 ckm. In FY21 too, Central government agencies could commission transmission lines almost at par with what was planned for the period. (See table).

The private sector added 1,280 ckm of transmission lines in the April-February period of FY21 – higher than the achievement of 1,020 ckm in the same period of FY21. However, the addition in FY22 was way short of the targeted 3,303 ckm.

The overall target of transmission line addition for FY22 (full year) stands at 19,255 ckm. With only 12,719 ckm added in the first eleven months, it is likely that FY22 will end with a significant shortfall.

It should be noted that the overall transmission target for FY21 (full year) was much lower at 15,147 ckm, ostensibly due to the pandemic-induced lockdown conditions. Much of this planned addition got carried over in FY22, it is learnt.

Also read: Transmission Line Upgrade Falls 37 Per Cent Short Of Target In Apr-Jan FY22

February shines

Despite the generally poor performance by state government utilities in FY22, this ownership group did exceptionally well in the month of February 2022. In the first ten months (April-January), state utilities added around 565 ckm of new transmission lines per month, on average. However, in February 2022 alone, transmission line addition by state government agencies was 1,321 ckm. This extraordinary performance in February 2022 could improve the overall performance in FY22, at least to some extent.


Featured photograph (source: IndiGrid) is for representation only.

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